

深信閱讀對個人成長非常重要,正如一句諺語所言:"A person who does not read has no advantage over a person who cannot read"「一個不閱讀的人與不會閱讀的人無異」,但在繁忙的生活中,如何選擇一本好書就更顯得重要。
66 Love Letters; From Shadow to Reality; Into the Psalms; Prophets, the voices of Yehweh; Prophets II; Prophets III; 但以理書詮釋; 來自天堂的66封情書
Dynamic leadership; Spiritual Leadership; 從內做起
He Wins, She Wins; His Needs, Her Needs; The essential 8 principles of a growing marriage; 婚姻下半場; 論家庭 - 從廚房開始; 非暴力溝通:愛的語言
Principle - Centered Parenting; 如何與孩子談性; 子女心,父母情; 青春的契機; 非暴力溝通:愛的語言
A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23; All the feels; Caring Beyond the Margins; Emotionally Healthy Spirituality; Finding Your Path to Forgiveness; Jesus the same; Prayer; Repentance, a Cosmic Shift of Mind and Heart; Strong in the Grace; The Guilty Soul's Guide to Grace; When God is Silent, The Problem of Human Suffering; 培養高EQ的靈命; 撒旦的詭計; 為何羊總是走迷; 牧者看詩篇廿三篇; 禱告解密
In Search of a City; My Three Lives
All the Feels for Teens; Campus Core; Jesus with the People; Love One Another; Mind Change; So You're a Kingdom Kid; Tempt-Away; The Power of Discipling; The Power of Spiritual Thinking; 少年KK的信仰之旅
做人祕笈; 為關係立界線; 還你自己一個大人