

Caring Beyond the Margins

What Every Christian Needs to Know about Homosexuality Homosexuality: Have you ever wondered what is safe, and helpful, to say to someone you care to help, but find yourself only frustrated, lost for the right words? What workable, scriptural answers can Christians offer? Guy Hammond will help you make sense of this very controversial subject and equip you to love people as Jesus would without compromising the ethics of scripture.



All the Feels

Emotions―love them or hate them, we’ve all got them. author Elizabeth Laing Thompson uses her experiences as a big feeler to encourage and equip different kinds of feelers with the biblical perspectives, practical tools, and scriptural reservoir they need. As a woman who has lived every day of her life having All The Big Feelings All The Day Long, Elizabeth knows what it’s like to live life through our emotions―and how important it is to understand, take control of, and grow from those emotions.



Principle-Centred Parenting

God's word transcends culture to address your family situation. Douglas and Vicki continually distinguish between truly biblical principles‚ which are absolute and unchanging, and practicals‚ which are local and cultural: If I'm a good parent, does that guarantee my children will become Christians? How much is my responsibility as a parent, and how much is their own? Why is training crucial, and how does it differ from discipline?...



In Search of a City

a Book that is part memoir and part history. It traces the Boston Movement from the very beginning with the Campus Evangelism group in the late 1960's until now. He says he feels a special responsibility to share his story because of his perspective from the earliest days. He doesn't in any way view this Book as "the" history of the movement, but it is the history from his vantage point. It is also a history of his spiritual journey as it was contained within the larger journey.



The Essential 8 Principles of a Growing Marriage

A hands-on workbook to help you get your marriage on a solid spiritual foundation and keep it there. It is an eight-week plan designed for individual study on a daily basis, and in a small dis cussion group once per week. We will take you on a journey of discovery of The Essential Eight Principles (E8) –the timeless, bedrock concepts you need to understand, believe and implement so you will have a marriage that not only lasts, but thrives as well.



Dynamic leadership

This book will help you learn the biblical concepts of leadership and how to implement them to produce a life-changing church. The book is divided into four sections: Part One: Leadership Principles. Part Two: Leadership Roles. Part Three: Leadership Relationships. Part four: Seven Appendices that cover additional leadership questions. This book powerfully addresses both leaders and followers.




這本書能提升你對聖經舊約的興趣,加深與神的關係,協助你活出精彩的基督徒生命,如但以理一樣,發熱發光。以下是最有效運用這本書的方法:一) 慢慢地閱讀,寫下每一條思考題目的答案。像寫日記一樣,記載你每天在靈性上思考過的點點滴滴。二) 參與一個小組討論,互相分享及從每一條思考題目中學習,也透過他人的分享,多角度地反思自己的內心。三) 觀看十二篇關於但以理的講道視頻(,讓讀者將但以理書的啟迪更生活化地應用在自己的生命中。



Prophets III

The Prophets covered are as follows: Zephaniah Ben Cushi: The Pro phet of the Yom Yahweh Habakkuk: The Philosopher Nahum of Elkosh: The Poet Jeremiah of Anathoth: The Prophet Par Excellence Ezekiel Ben Buzi: The Prophet of the Exile Daniel: The Prophet of Righteousness Haggai: The Prophet of the Temple Zechariah: The Seer Malachi: The Prophet of Rejuvenation The Prophets of the Babylonian and Persian Periods contains a critical introduction to each of the above-mentioned prophets.



Prophets II

This volume begins with two prophets of uncertain date: Joel: The Prophet of Zion's Future Obadiah: The Prophet of God's Sovereignty. The Book then discusses the prophets of the Assyrian period beginning with Amos and ending with Micah. The prophets of the Assyrian period prophesied concerning the decline and fall of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. This was an extremely turbulent time for the people of Israel and Judah.
