

From Shadow to Reality

The purpose of this book is to show the historical, doctrinal and prophetic relationship between the Old and the New Testament. The conclusion is that in its essence, from Genesis to Malachi, the Old Testament is a foreshadowing of the New Testament. The theme of the entire Bible is God's desire to have a relationship with us.



A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23

Travel the Shepherd's path to the green pastures and cool, refreshing waters of Psalm 23. As a shepherd himself, W. Phillip Keller shares his insights into the life and character of sheep--and of the Good Shepherd who loves and cares for them. A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 will give new meaning to the ageless Shepherd Psalm, enriching your trust in and love for the Lord who watches closely over you.




作為在教會長大的Kingdom kid,德魯敞開心胸,坦誠分享年少時成為基督徒前後,在不同時間點經歷的感受及困惑。他寫下被神鼓舞、願意獻上一切的時刻,也寫到在外面世界拉扯下,心中充滿混亂感受的時刻。德魯在書中展現深入的觀點和洞察力,引人入勝,分享他的罪和掙扎,對抗驕傲和虛偽的爭戰,筆觸幽默動人,能夠與讀者產生連結。此外,他充分運用聖經經文及實例,引導讀者更深認識神。本書適合在教會長大的孩子閱讀,也適合父母們一同學習。



The Power of Spiritual Thinking

"The way you think determines the daily course of your life," says Gordon Ferguson. Our normal way of thinking is often negative, humanistic and selfish. Spiritual thinking is a whole different approach that unleashes the power of God in our lives. In his down-to-earth style, Gordon calls us to do more than modify our behavior-we can experience an internal revolution that will, in turn, affect those around us. This book is just as helpful to the mature disciple as to the newest Christian.



The Power of Discipling

None of us can become what God intends us to be on our own—we need to let others disciple us to Christ. Here are just a few of the things you can expect to learn: Why Jesus must stay at the center of all discipling; how true friendships are crucial in God’s plan; attitudes that are essential when being discipled; principles to apply when you disciple others; how discipleship groups can be life-changing...



Tempt Away

Guy Hammond teaches a four-step protocol that will help you whenever you are tempted to sin. Regardless of the type of temptation you face, you will find that the number of times you give in when enticed to sin will drop dramatically and your levels of personal righteousness will skyrocket to new heights. This program will work no matter where you are in your spiritual journey right now, whether you have the role of elder, pastor or evangelist or can barely find your way to church on Sundays.



So You're A Kingdom Kid

Growing up in a Christian family gives us an amazing opportunity to know God at a young age, however, Kingdom Kids experience a unique set of struggles that can be very difficult...This book is for you when you have the following questions: Are your parents Christians? As a kingdom kid, you feel like a biblical scholar when you are little? Do you ever feel constricted by the rules from your parents and the church? Do you want a deep and real relationship with God?...



Mind Change

Life is full of challenges. Pain. Illness. Persistent sins. Misunderstanding. Insecurity. Disappointment. Abuse. Discouragement. Depression. Failure. Fear. Rejection. Opposition. Confusion. Death. None of these surprise God. He has a plan for us to overcome them all. This book is wr itten to help you see (1) your challenges are not unusual and (2) God's plan for overcoming will work powerfully for you as well as for others.



Jesus With the People

In this Book a number of people or groups of people whom Jesus taught and loved were selected, and then contemporary leaders, both men and women, probed the Gospel accounts of these encounters to see what Jesus is teaching us about relationships. The reader will gain a wealth of knowledge about the nature of God and about the way we need to relate to the people around us.
